Waters Edge is owned and operated by James and Heather Waters. Our small farm is located along the Looking Glass River in Laingsburg, MI.
The main menu has a “Bucks” and “Does” page where you can go to meet our herd. Every animal has their own page with some info and family history.
You can also find our “Goat Milk Soaps” page with currently available soaps in the menu.

A Little About Our Farm
We raise chickens for eggs and meat and our flock has grown extensively in the last 11 years. In the spring and summer eggs are plentiful and can be found in our road side stand.
With food quality and security in mind, we decided to add a couple dairy goats and from day one it was love at first sight! 4 years later we manage a small, yet focused on performance, herd. Our herd is ADGA registered and participates in DHIR milk testing, linear appraisal, and dna testing.
We take biosecurity very seriously! All of our adult goats are tested for CAE annually and Johnes biannually. Due to the lack of reliable testing we do not regularly test for CL. In the event a goat was to get an abscess a culture would be performed to rule out CL.
To ensure proper growth and development our kids go on coccidia prevention starting at 3 weeks of age. Prevention is continued until 6-8 months old when natural immunity is confirmed through fecal testing. We do regular fecal exams, not regular deworming, this way parasites do not build resistance to medications. Only the goats that need it get wormed which can promote natural immunity and create hardy healthy dairy goats.
We strive to produce and prove high quality Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats, for both high milk production and correct conformation, that will stand the test of time.
Special thanks to our friend and mentor Sandi, at MeadowMist Nigerians. We would not be where we are today without her wisdom and guidance.
Link to our Facebook Farm Page:

Heather has completed milk testing certification through Idaho DHIA. Our herd is currently enrolled in the Standard ADGA ITP-02 testing plan.